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We are a joint sponsor with Gritman Medical Center in Moscow Idaho. Gritman is an accredited provider under the Idaho Medical Association. Gritman reviews and accredits our conferences with AMA Category 1 Credits.

These educational conferences are targeted towards the physician however all providers, mid-level providers, nurses and allied health are welcome to attend. To help benefit the region, I also send the conferences into other boards.

MD's - AMA Category 1 Credits

AAFP - I send all course material to be reviewed and accredited with AAFP Prescribed credits</p>

DO's - I do not send into the AOA because I do not have enough DO's presenting in order to be eligible (over 50% of you speakers have to be a DO). However, Washington State accepts all AMA Category 1 Credits for your renewal, as long as the course material  is applicable to your practice.

Physician Assistants- AMA Category 1 Credits are accepted by your board

Nurse Practitioners-   ANCC & Washington State accepts AMA Category 1 Credits for ARNP's

                                      -NP Pharmacology CE hours- Gritman Medical Center's physician board reviews the course and recommends it for a certain number of NP pharmacology ce hours                                                                                               based upon the submitted objectives. 

Nurses - Washington State accepts AMA Category 1 Credits for CE Competency Compliance & ANCC accepts AMA Category 1 Credits and AAFP Prescribed credits as equivelent credits

Pharmacists: I usually always send in the course material to the Washington State Board for approval. Please check individual brochure.

Optometrists: Once a OD attends the course, we mail in all the course material, including powerpoints to the Washington State Board of Optometry. In the past, they have accredited all of our programs.  (It typically takes an extra month after the course for the board to review).

Allied Health - Everyone else

      AMA Category 1 Credits are accepted by most medical boards.  If you need assistance in finding out about your specific board, please call me.

If you have questions, please call your board or contact usl:

Melissa Neighbors


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